

Arnold Toynbee: The most important objective for a human being, both for his own sake and for the sake of the society, is to improve his karma. The only way to improve it is for him to increase his self-mastery, and the struggle to master one’s self is the personal action of an individual human being. Individual spiritual progress and regress fluctuate.
Good and Evil Chapter-Book: Choose Life-A Dialogue-Arnold Toynbee and Daisaku Ikeda.


My Opinion: Trying self mastery is going to be tough. For that we need to have faith in ourselves and others around us. It’s to believe in the highest potential of all and never to judge or look down on anyone. It’s not easy to have self mastery of this kind, as mind is frequently dragged in to greed, anger and stupidity. But the journey of self mastery is interesting one, provided we accept it and try to move on that path.

Choose Life: Oxford University Press.

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